Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

Tools for working with Wavelet-codes Reference name: v2.2.1-preview1 Working tree:
Tools for working with Reed-Solomon's codes Reference name: v2.2.1-preview1 Working tree:
Provides JSON serialization using Newtonsoft.Json for Amplified.ValueObjects.
Transform "text/markdown" response to HTML in ASP.NET Core application.
a C++ linker symbol demangler
Shouldly extensions for ITLibrium.Bdd
Inspections. Domain objects. Shipping models. Fast thread-safe cache. Cryptographic salted hashes. Enumeration type converter. Validator extensions. Sample data randomizers.
.NET Standard 1.3 implementation of ESIA authentication middleware for ASP .NET Core 1.1 applications
Disqus tag helper for Core
The Connection-Based Asynchronous Messaging (CBAM) SQL.MSbuild assembly contains abstract SQL-oriented MSBuild task, and task which reads file and executes SQL statements contained within.
Lightbox tag helper for Core
Clicky tag helper for Core
Nutritionix 1.1 .net api wrapper.
Argument Parser for .net applications
Package Description
HttpClient middleware adapter that enables reuse of existing DelegatingHandlers and HttpMessageHandlers in a middleware pipeline
Asp.Net Core and HttpClient middleware to pass through inbound request headers to downstream services
Uses Rx v2.5.5
SFML Platform specific UI rendering ... part of effort to have cross platform UI stack based on XAML. Targets Linux, MacOS and Windows Desktop scenarios. SFML offers widest range of cross platforms, build on top OpenGL.