Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

A tiny library for testing APIs
Circuit Diagram functionality for reading and writing component descriptions.
Circuit Diagram functionality for rendering circuits.
Circuit Diagram functionality for reading and writing circuits in the Circuit Diagram Document format.
Circuit Diagram functionality for compiling component descriptions from XML to binary format.
Event sourcing for dotnet
Postgresql database engine launcher.
Distributed Service Library - Core.Abstractions
Distributed Service Library - Microservice
Distributed Service Library - Hosting.Server.Abstractions
Distributed Service Library - Hosting.Server
dotbpe-plugin 是微服务框架dotbpe的插件集,DotBPE.Plugin.WebApi 提供简易的方式,将HttpWebApi请求转换层DotBPE调用,可作为简易的服务网关使用
An adapter for the Dotbot framework ( for Telegram. Powered by Telegram.Bot by Robin Muller.
An adapter for the Dotbot framework ( for Discord. Powered by Discord.Net by 'RogueException'.
Equalizer routers
Custom scaffolder to be used with Microsoft.VisualStudio.Web.CodeGeneration.Design. Generates an empty controller and view for an aspnetcore project.
DspSharp - Digital Audio Signal Processing in C#