Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

The Geo Library for Amazon DynamoDB enables .NET developers to easily create and query geospatial data. This version targets .NET 4.5 and NET Standard 1.3
ProxyFoo is a library for the .NET Framework to facilitate creating high-performance proxies for Duck casting, null safe wrappers, method interception, and other uses.
Autofac IoC integration for Kekiri
Unity IoC Container support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET applications).
MalApi is a .NET library for accessing the API. You can get a user's anime list, get a list of recently online users, and get an anime's genres. You must set the UserAgent property of the MyAnimeListApi object to your API key.
Data.HashFunction implementation of Fowler–Noll–Vo hash function ( (–Noll–Vo_hash_function).
Library for handling Chrome bookmarks. Supports reading from Chrome bookmarks file and JSON from Chrome API
It's like a swiss army knife.. We've got some extra helpers for all kinds of situations!
A ViewEngine for Nancy that uses all installed Veil parsers. Note: You must also install a Veil syntax parser.
Dynamically-generated test data builders for your unit tests. Supports various syntaxes so you can describe your objects in whatever form reads best for you.
Provides a cross-platform and cross-UI framework common base class for ICommand implementations, and a BindableBase class for your view models.
IRC.NET is a complete IRC (Internet Relay Chat) client library for .NET.
This ActionResult class for ASP.NET MVC allows you to send a binary contents response that can cache based on Etag, and/or last modified date, to web browser. If the cache hit, this class send "HTTP 304 Not Modified" without calling contents retrieving callback. / この ASP.NET MVC ActionResult クラスは Et...
Extension methods for the ADO.NET IDataRecord class.
Collection of TagHelpers for Twitter Bootstrap
ASP.NET Core middleware to serve files for a single page application.
Provides support of plural rule compilation to the IL bytecode.
This library contains lifecycle patterns for navigation and state management for Xamarin Forms applications
A Json.Net converter that converts GracefulExpandoObject.
Cas Authentication Middleware