Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

A Stream.CopyTo implementation for .NET 2.0, .NET 3.0, and .NET 3.5. Just install and use normally, no references required.
A .NET Client for - the internet's largest selection of dad jokes.
NFinal2 MVC framework.
Implementation of Two different ways to get Google Finance historical prices and current (not live) candle bars for daily and intraday prices. Replace Yahoo Finance API no longer available
OceanHo's extended primitive types library
Abstractions for System.Diagnostics. Provides: IStopwatch IStopwatchFactory
Implementations for Leoxia.Abstractions.Diagnostics. Provides Implementations for: IStopwatch IStopwatchFactory
Converters for Xamarin, e.g. Boolean Converter BooleanNotConverter
GDS ADO Extensions contains some useful extensions and tools for ADO. (SqlDataReader.MapToClass<T>), GenerateClassFromTable, ConnectionString tools and more.
Library for manipulating words according to grammar rules including pluralisation, possession, etc.