Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library
Total dependencies: 12696
SharpRepository generic repository Azure DocumentDb implementation
SharpRepository generic repository AzureBlob implementation
Simple ADO is a .NET Standard package (previously would have been a Portable Class Library - PCL) that provides simple ADO-style operations for local databases; SimpleAdo.Sqlite supports local SQLite databases. It has SqliteConnection, SqliteCommand and SqliteDataReader functionality for executing ...
Json Localization middleware
Easiest way you'll ever write settings for your app. This library is built to be modular and one-liner exploiting the powerful serialization capabilities of Json.NET out of the box without any mapping necessary to serialize nested custom objects, dictionaries and lists.
Simple repository pattern for Azure Table storage
Android backend for NGraphics
Generic DAO abstraction layer for CosmosDB using MongoDB interface
InfluxDB sink for Serilog
Auto-generate a class that implements a state machine. Currently depends on LionFire.StateMachines.Class to run, and LionFire.StateMachines.Class.Attributes to describe state and transition enum fields.
A set of standard .NET Ivy API.
When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version 3.4.
.Net Core Authorize.Net SDK
A Fortuna implementation for .NET
Facilities for the reading arguments passed on a command line.
This is a package to run Grpc tools automatically when msbuild building.
Poco.Evolved.SQL is a specific implementation of Poco.Evolved for SQL databases.
.Net Core下的Redis库
HTTPnet is a .NET library for HTTP and WebSocket based communication. It provides a HTTP/WebSocket server and a powerful processing pipeline for HTTP request and their responses.