Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on NETStandard.Library

Total dependencies: 12696

Microsoft.Extensions.Logging adapter for handlebars.csharp
FastExpressionCompiler adapter for handlebars.csharp
Blistering-fast Handlebars.js templates in your .NET application.
A package that contains the base classes for Aggregates, Entities and ValueTypes.
GoogleDrivePartialFileReader for ZipContent.Core Lists zip file content on Google Drive service without downloading whole document. Supports both zip and zip64 files.
RestClient is a library for .net that can help you to consume REST services.
A wrapper for MQTTnet.Client which use event base on Connected, Disconnected and MessageReceived
.NET Core bindings to nng (
.NET Core bindings to nng (
A collection of classes that aid in developing applications around Azure Table Storage
.NET implementation of generating queries in Prometheus Query Language
Convert and encode video and media files and content between file formats. On-demand.
Add PagedList && add methods
The currency APIs help you retrieve exchange rates and convert prices between currencies easily.
Xamarin.Plugin.Toast.Images: Show local notifications with images inside your Xamarin application on UWP, iOS and Android platforms
A .Net Library to communicate with the Vndb API
Helps applications monitor login activity, and help block malicious entities from the system.
Xamarin.Plugin.Toast: Show local notifications inside your Xamarin application on UWP, iOS and Android platforms
Iratrips.Mapkit lets you customize pins, add overlays, calculate routes, search place predictions, cluster pins and more!