Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on N2CMS Management (ZIP deployment)

Total dependencies: 14

This package calls the management interface and contains the web config transformations required by N2 CMS. This package doesn't contain templates.
This package bundles the N2 CMS Framework, Management and Dinamico templates for speediest trial. Install dependencies individually to combine packages in different ways.
This package installs N2 CMS and creates a basic N2CMS site with support for multiple languages.
Installs the targeting functionality.
Installs available localized resources into the management directory.
Installs the collaboration functionality.
Installs the statistics and content poularity module.
An Twitter Bootstrap implementation of N2CMS with widgets/components from TBS. This also serves as a base project for extensions (blog, podcast, etc).
N2 Part for adding a Form.
N2 Part for Baidu Map.
N2 Pages for events.
N2 Parts for tags.
Enable user in "Editors" role to change password
A simple N2CMS Role editing page