Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on N2CMS Library

Total dependencies: 28

Adds the razor view engine integration to an N2 CMS/MVC.
This package calls the management interface and contains the web config transformations required by N2 CMS. This package doesn't contain templates.
Dinamico is a template pack for N2 CMS that uses MVC4/Razor. This is immediately usable templates built upon the N2 CMS framework. N2 CMS is a lightweight CMS library that can be used as is, or in combination with many features out of the box using template pack for MVC2, MVC3/razor or WebForms.
This package enables usage of Castle.Windsor 3 as IoC container to be used by N2 CMS internally.
This package contains the management interface required by N2 CMS, packaged as a single N2.ZIP file and the corresponding virtual path provider. Use this if you publishing your website via FTP. This package doesn't contain templates.
This package contains the management interface required by N2 CMS. The management files are installed uncompressed. Use this package if you are storing your project in a version control repository. This package doesn't contain templates.
This package enables indexing and searching using lucene.
Common parts that can be re-used across projects.
Configures SQLite database connection string on an N2 CMS site.
This package bundles the N2 CMS Framework, Management and Dinamico templates for speediest trial. Install dependencies individually to combine packages in different ways.
This package installs N2 CMS and creates a basic N2CMS site with support for multiple languages.
Adds config and bootstrap code to run N2 CMS with ASP.NET MVC.
This package enables indexing and searching using a process external to the web process.
This package enables usage of Castle.Windsor 2 as IoC container to be used by N2 CMS internally.
This package enables usage of Mongo DB as persistence for N2 CMS content.
N2 Part for adding a Form.
An Twitter Bootstrap implementation of N2CMS with widgets/components from TBS. This also serves as a base project for extensions (blog, podcast, etc). This is for assembly references only (no web/views/etc).
Adds an S3-based IFileSystem provider to N2CMS
Azure blob storage provider for N2CMS. Check project url for usage instructions.
Enferno Web N2 helpers.