Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MySql.Data

Total dependencies: 1274

RekTec XStudio
Support use NHibernate in ZKWeb. For more information please visit project site.
PetaPoco.NetCore is a fork of PetaPoco based, add .netcore support,support .netframework and .netcore,petapoco is A high performance Micro-ORM on dotnet supporting SQL Server, MySQL, Sqlite, SqlCE, Firebird etc,support a query and map,and support Multi Mapping, Multiple Results
This component adds support for Carbonite ORM to query and persists data entities to the MySQL DBMS. Carbonite includes a new lightweight ORM capable of mapping your objects and database by convention, configuration or code. Carbonite also conceals other popular ORMs into the same programming model...
Deprecated. Use the strong named ServiceStack.OrmLite.MySql package instead.
A easy to use NHibernate implementation
MySQL based persistence for Rebus
A duct-tape fixed version of MySqlMigrationSqlGenerator found in the Connector/NET fixing the GUID foreign keys index issue
micro ORM ,simplify data access while ensuring high performance.
This library was created specifically for those who consider EF (Entity Framework) too cumbersome
MySql Logger Library for .NET Standard
.net standard ado net tools. In this version dbmanager use method chaining.
Data handling for MySQL.
Data-related extension methods and other helper classes for MySql
MySQL support for TowerSoft.Repository
ScaledDomains.Extensions.Caching.MySql.MySqlConnector is a free, open source distributed cache implementation using MySql as datastore using MySql.Data.