Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MyCouch.CouchDB client

Total dependencies: 12

Consumes a generic inventory document store to be used in PMoney applications.
MyCouch is the simple asynchronous CouchDB and Cloudant client for .Net - building on top of the asynchronous HTTP client and uses JSON.Net to provide flexible serialization behaviour. This package contains support for Cloudant specific features. If you want pure CouchDB support go with the "...
This library used for make couchdb easy to manage
Consumes a generic inventory document store to be used in PMoney applications.
Consumes a generic Customers document store to be used in PMoney applications.
A simple implementation of the new ASP.Net identity provider model for handling authentication and authorization in e.g. ASP.Net MVC5 using CouchDb or Cloudant as storage.
A DynamicStore storage provider used for storing app data in CouchDB or Cloudant Databases. Based off Daniel Wertheim's MyCouch library.
Simple couchdb wrapper to put entities without any blocking and control. You may just throw entities into CouchConveyor then it will be stored in your database as documents.
AspNet Core extension services backed by CouchDB
This library is for make developer easy to use SMPP protocol
.NET Standard 2.0 library for Consul - !! For Internal Use Only !!