Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MoyskleyTech.Mathematics
Total dependencies: 6
Object and shape recognition add-on for MoyskleyTech.ImageProcessing
PNGCS wrapper to allow PNG files to be opened in MoyskleyTech.ImageProcessing
BitMiracle.LibJpeg.NET wrapper to allow JPEG files to be opened in MoyskleyTech.ImageProcessing
Basic image filters for MoyskleyTech.ImageProcessing
Image processing library
The library is built to allow you to use System.Drawing style classes in .NetStandard. There is no direct access to filesystem to reduce dependencies, but if you ever need to decode or save an image, you could simply create a FileStream and pass it to Bitmap.Save or BitmapF...
For use with MoyskleyTech.ImageProcessing
Charting is made to create plots in any system on a Graphics object