Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on MouseKeyHook

Total dependencies: 9

This library allows you to register application wide or global hotkeys. It can be used to register hotkeys (one key, possibly multiple modifiers, like "ctrl+alt+j") and chords (multi key hotkeys, like "ctrl+k, ctrl+c" or "ctrl+alt+x, b, q").
This is an extension to the MouseKeyHook library which allows you to observe keyboard and mouse venets in reactive manner using Rx.Net (System.Reactive) extensions.
This is an extension to the globalmousekeyhook and InputSimulator library which allows you to tap keyboard and mouse,to detect and record their activity event when an application is inactive and runs in background.The Windows Input Simulator provides a simple .NET(C#) interface to simulate Keyboard ...
Uses the base wrapper to allow you to render a gui anywhere on your desktop
This library wraps allanrodriguez' MonitorDetailsReader and builds small useful utils on top of it
This library makes it possible to inspect any controls properties, events and even the document outline in your Windows Form at runtime. The only thing you have to do is to create an instance of the Inspector class and then run your winform as normal. Press "Ctrl + F8" to activate the inspector and ...
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