Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Moq: an enjoyable mocking library
Total dependencies: 598
A Library for mocking EntityFramework contexts and replacing it with an in-memory store. Integrations with other frameworks can be found at:
Contains Extensions to verify the order of invocation on mocks.
Testify is a unit test assertions, test data creation and contract verification framework. It's not dependent on any specific unit testing framework. Testify.Moq adds mocking support via Moq.
CreateObjectOfType is a helper framework for reduce the amount of boilerplate code required to test objects using DI and Moq.
This provides an implementation of the Moq library for Script CS.
A library for unit testing ASP.Net routing tables for WebForms
Tool for auto inject mocks into constructors during test. Minimizes required setup code.
A simple package to speed up the assertion of parameters of methods mocked with Moq
Test library extensions
Automatically setting up an EF6 DbContext interface using an in-memory implementation of IDbSet and Moq
Supports checking that Moq setups are executed in sequence.
AutoMoq built for Unity5
Kraft Wrapper is a library that make Sitecore API injectable and unit testable. It is interface based, model of the Sitecore API, which is included auto mapping from an item to your model class.
Automatically Moq dependencies encountered through Splat's Locator.
Unit test extensions for Unity and Moq
A light-weight version of MoqBot with a built-in IoC container. MoqBotLite is an automocker that leverages the Moq mocking library.
Automocker for Moq.