Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Mono.Posix.NETStandard

Total dependencies: 55

Native socket library in C#
IO Utilities.
Package Description
Companion Library for RobotRaconteurNET. Contains standard service definition types, Abstract Robot, parsers, and converters
Microsoft Attack Surface Analyzer is an open source security tool that analyzes the attack surface of a target system and reports on potential security vulnerabilities introduced during the installation of software or system misconfiguration. This package contains the AttackSurfaceAnalyzer library. ...
Integration of Ngrok with the AspNetCore pipeline. Tools to automatically create ngrok tunnels on application startup
Forked version of Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.DurableTask should simular to version 2.5 when it is released.
PAM membership provider for portable FTP server
Unix file system for portable FTP server
Microservice bootstrapper with simple injector, serilog, health and live check
Yaap - Yet Another ANSI Progress Bar
Package library for language idiomatic containeriziation
Serial port library for .Net / Mono, This version rewrites the System.IO.Ports, on which all Serial port library are based, to allow using of Linux virtual usb port. It basically avoids the "System.IO.Ports.SerialPortStream.SetSignal (SerialSignal signal, Boolean value)" error.
Package Description
Package Description
.NET Core API for the wireless control of appliances using the nooLite system (including nooLite-F mode). Adapter MTRF-64-USB is supported.
Package Description
AutoUpdater Library for DotNet Core applications based on
dnYara (for Yara v4.0.0 to v4.1.1) is a .Net Standard wrapper for the native Yara library. It lets you use all the features of Yara that the native C library exposes ! It is built in C# / .Net Standard to ensure compatibility with a maximum of .Net frameworks, and to be cross-platform. The compile...
Mono SerialPort as a NET Standard 2.0 library. Has the same limitations as a Mono SerialPort, but much lower CPU usage, making it suitable for low power linux ARM boards.