Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Moment.js

Total dependencies: 55

HotTowel Typescript is a SPA template. This is John Papas HotTowel Angular Breeze template written in Typescript. There are some changes to the project structure, mainly naming of controllers and directives. Using Web Essentials plugin for Visual Studio is highly recommended when using Typescript. Y...
helpers and bindings for dates
This is a set of simplest javascript modules that can help to you organize your framework on ASP.NET (MVC). This is just for a begin your js-framework. For example: control DataSource - is loader that can data from web api with pager and it cat make selection.
Want to build a SPA but can't decide where to start? Use Hot Towelette and in seconds you'll have a SPA and all the tools you need to build on it! * Use Hot Towel for ASP.NET MVC * Use Hot Towelette for ASP.NET (no MVC required) Hot Towelette creates a great starting point for building a SPA with...
Tools to Speed Up HTML Metro/Modern UI Coding
Drop in blog for MVC4 websites
jui_datagrid is an Ajax-enabled jQuery plugin, useful to manipulate database data in tabular format. Fully customizable, simple but powerful API, jQuery themes compatible, localization support. It has a modular design, so it is using jui_pagination plugin for paging and jui_filter_rules plugin for s...
A minimal and opinionated Angular template based on HotTowel
Design for Asp.Net Framework MVC multiple tables CRUD. Only code need is to inherit from TableController, set the TableNameList, IsReadonly attributes, the view will automatically get from share folder. Table Controller will get the dbContext based on table name accordingly.. Typical usage cases, mu...
A html helper to create sortable, searchable, and pageable data tables filled via ajax request, based on the javascript plugin.
MVC date/time picker helper based on Bootstarp.v3.Datetimepicker
A JavaScript Datepicker that takes advantage of twitter-bootstrap and moment.js. Ready for TypeScript and Knockout
Part of Vault libraries set designed to enhance experience with latest UI frameworks.
Web layer utilities package