Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Windows.Compatibility

Total dependencies: 140

WMI2CSharp is a library for Windows Management Instrumentation Object Relational Mapping. It will fetch data upon provided access information and hostname. Task optimized and parameterizable to minimize fetch time.
Utilities and structure for Chakra.Core on Windows platform
Some common packages for .net core,e.g. Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration,Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Also some useful apis.
Serial port library for .Net / Mono, This version rewrites the System.IO.Ports, on which all Serial port library are based, to allow using of Linux virtual usb port. It basically avoids the "System.IO.Ports.SerialPortStream.SetSignal (SerialSignal signal, Boolean value)" error.
Extension methods for the Pulse embroidery SDK (PulseEmbCom). Requires PulseEmbCom version or later.
Extensions of platform-depends features for whichdotnet.
A F# project for creating placeholder images -- a handy tool when making quick prototypes app's and sites.
Bosch Sensortec BNO055 .NET Standard 2.0 Serial Driver (
Windows specific helpers requiring the full .NetFramework
A bunch of cool and useful tools
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
.NET Nuget Package for image binarization.
Run .NET Core code as a Windows Service with API similar to Topshelf.
Package Description
One Compute worker host for Azure Batch
Package Description