Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading.Analyzers

Total dependencies: 29

This is a .NET Framework enhancement framework. Main features are Versioning, Finance, Currency, Foreign Exchange, Money, Pricing strategy, Telemetry, Composite Weighted Progress, Repository and Unity of Wok pattern implementation with Entity Framework Core, Network Connectivity Se...
Async synchronization primitives, async collections, TPL and dataflow extensions. The JoinableTaskFactory allows synchronously blocking the UI thread for async work. This package is applicable to any .NET application (not just Visual Studio).
NI's code analyzers and rulesets for C# projects.
Extensibility APIs for Open Folder and lightweight Solution load in Visual Studio.
Collection of packages for assisting in QA during .NET software development
OpenStreetMap extension for DEM.Net
Package Description
Package Description
A collection of analyzers to help Visual Studio extension developers write quality code.
An object to object mapper that does not use reflection.
Fib.Net is a full C# rewrite of Jib, the fast java image builder. Fib.Net.Core is the library that builds the docker image files and communicates with registries.
TagHelpers for SRI, reffers, OpenGraph and Twitter
Package Description
Extensibility APIs for Open Folder in Visual Studio.
Package Description
Package Description
ACL for your commands
Localization context creation plugin for Miki.Framework