Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel

Total dependencies: 41

Provides an integration with TeamCity for test frameworks. Usage: - Create a test project, for example using the command line: dotnet new xunit - Add the NuGet reference to this package
Custom test logger that reports test results in a structured format that GitHub Actions understands
Testplatform host executes the test using specified adapter.
C# SDK for the test platform protocol. This SDK can be used in IDE or Editors to use test platform for discovery and execution of tests.
MiNET - a Minecraft PocketEdition Server
Package Description
Obsolete: Please use SpecSync.PluginDependency instead
Core library for creating custom VS Test loggers with liquid template support
All stryker mutation test logic is contained in this library. This package does not include a runner. Use this package if you want to extend stryker with your own runner.
LiquidTestReports.Markdown is a ready to use VSTest Markdown logger that generates GitHub friendly markdown reports from your test results.
C# SDK for the test platform protocol. This SDK can be used in IDE or Editors to use test platform for discovery and execution of tests.
A dotnet test logger that tries to strike the right balance between terse and verbose. It attempts to use more colors and visual indicators and extends reporting with slow tests warnings
Dotnet test logger with special handling cases for Expecto tests
The core package for Stryker.NET. Used by other Stryker packages to run. Please install a Stryker.Runner.* package to use this package.
A data driven testing tool for .NET using markdown and YAML.
LiquidTestReports.Custom The custom logger package allows you to create your own reports simply by passing the file path of the template to the test logger.
Test adapter for Hallstatt
Nuget package to enable JavaScript and TypeScript unit testing in ASP.NET Core projects.
Visual Studio test adapter for Expecto. Shows Expecto tests in Visual Studio's Test Explorer, and also enables them to be run in Visual Studio Online builds.
Visual Studio 2017+ Test Explorer runner for Persimmon. Capable of running Persimmon v4.0+ tests. Supported platforms: - Desktop .NET 4.5.1+ - .NET Core 2.0+