Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition

Total dependencies: 61

.NET 4.0 NDbUnit for SqlServer CE targets; NDbUnit is a framework for managing database state during data-dependent unit tests
Plugin for CodeFirstConfig which can use Microsoft® SQL Server® Compact Database as configuration source.
SqlCe for Dapper.Extensions.Linq
Elmah.Persistence.EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact module, to handle dependencies and configuration in order to use a local SqlServerCompact database (.sdf).
ASP.NET Membership and Role Provider that uses SQL Server Compact 4.0 as data store. Version 2.1 adds a ProfileProvider, and includes a number of bug fixes and 2 additional methods.
Chinook is a sample database of a digital media store, including tables for artists, albums, media tracks, invoices and customers. It is available for multiple database servers: SQL Server, SQL Server Compact Edition, SQLite, Oracle, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and DB2.
Package Description
IQToolkit ORM for MS SQL Server Compact Edition (Microsoft.SqlServer.Compact)
Transformalize Transform using SqlCe
Legacy package, SqlServerCompact is now included in the 'Microsoft.SqlServer.Compact' package.
This adds the Microsoft SQL Server Compact Data Provider 4.0 configuraiton
Package Description
A Package for running sql like commands against Sql Compact Edition with the data storage-api...
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