Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub

Total dependencies: 28

Kontent Delivery Abstractions
Kontent Delivery Caching
WebDriver page factory supporting nested components
XamlFlair animation library for the WPF platform.
XamlFlair animation library for the UWP platform.
XamlFlair animation library for the Uno platform.
Easy job scheduling for ServiceStack -
FuzzDotNet is a library enabling fuzz-testing and the generation synthetic application data.
FuzzDotNet is a library enabling fuzz-testing and the generation synthetic application data.
Raven Migrations is a migration framework for RavenDB to help with updates to your database objects.
Helpers for the F# Abstract Syntax Tree
A library to export ReSharper code annotations in XML format from compiled assemblies.
Applies endjin standard practices to a .NET project.
This library provides a simple way to compare two JSON, with an easily readable output to find what differs.
OneWayToSource Bindings for ReadOnly Dependency Properties
Icon utilities to extract icons in different formats and sizes
IconExtractor/IconUtil Library for .NET
FuzzDotNet is a library enabling fuzz-testing and the generation synthetic application data.