Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Owin

Total dependencies: 900

A simple owin middleware component to turn a querystring parameter into a request header. This is useful when using token authentication with signalR.
Package built and published using TeamCity.
WebSocket handler for OWIN
OWIN middleware for working with session-cookie and session properties
Appson Common libraries for .NET is a set of utilities and extensions that are used frequently in different projects.
Monitoring middleware implementation based on OWIN interface defined in Microsoft.Owin NuGet.
Common Autofac code.
Zipkin instrumentation for Owin based on the library ( It allows to automatically log every incoming HTTP request into Zipkin.
OWIN logging extensions using LogJam
OWIN/Katana Middleware to enforce SSL / https using configurable port and httpstatuscode using http redirect
LancheProject web
LancheProject 日志
LancheProject 内存缓存
Module for logging request and response data
Simple middleware to cenvert unhandled exception to JSON response
Access token requirement validation middleware for JWTs.