Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Owin

Total dependencies: 900

Exira.EventStore.Owin is an OWIN middleware to keep an EventStore connection shared per application
nCode Core
Quantum Identity is an OWIN Middleware component for tracking anonymous users in ASP.Net web applications.
Quantum Identity is an OWIN Middleware component for tracking anonymous users in ASP.Net web applications.
Exira.CsrfValidation.Owin is an OWIN middleware to prevent CSRF attacks by validating HTTP Headers and Cookies
A simple logger with the ability to simultaneously write to several providers.
Logs HTTP trace information into Azure table and blob storage
Lightweight library for bootstrapping actuator style microservices NO LONGER UPDATED see Dotnet.Microservice.Owin package instead
Contains middlewares to support LaunchKey's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflows.
EdlinSoftware OWIN Markdown Middleware
A OWIN middleware for hosting static files and log webapi.
OWIN OAuth Provider for UAE Pass.
SSO V2 KemenkeuID Client Library for .Net Standard
Package Description
Microsoft Dependency Injection Framework For Framework 4.5.1
WeiChat OAuth For ASP.NET.
Plugin to extend logging on Owin services with LogCast