Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Owin.Security.OAuth

Total dependencies: 370

Our approach to Atomic Design principles in Umbraco. See readme for usage details (
C# class library that adds grid functionality to ASP.NET MVC.
An examine indexer that uses Apache TIKA
My custom Identity framework solution.
RekTec XStudio
A custom Notification Gateway Provider service for sending notifications with SendGrid
A simple and intuitive package which allows editors to find and replace content in Umbraco.
EF Core 6 and Asp.Net Identity Object models for the AlwaysEncryptedSample.
A sets of extension for Umbraco CMS
Media Exporter allows you to export media folders from Umbraco
Marine Habitat Classification Umbraco plugin
Wires an API project with Owin Authentication to add /Token, /RefreshTokens, /Auth/Register and /Auth/PasswordReset endpoints
AngularJS starter kit Spa secured server
Abstractions of ASP.NET Identity Entity Framework to coincide with JM0ney project architecture.