Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Owin.Host.SystemWeb

Total dependencies: 392

Package contains the ASP.NET Identity provider for Kaliko CMS - an open-source content management system. Provides database independent authentication for your Kaliko CMS project. You'll find information on how to get started over at:
Helper library to startup new web based projects using DDD Architecture
The Yuuko library provides easy access to datasource from fronted by mapping logistic attributes. To put it in a ASP.Net MVC application or Web Forms. The library will decrease backstage coding workload. You can just build fronted and models to reach some basic web logics without backstage developme...
Administration User Interface for LocalizationProvider
SiteServer CMS
This package contains a range of utility classes to aid web application development using the legacy ASP.NET stack.
The core Libraries that make as part of the CelloSaaS Authorization Server
A simple enterprise content management system
Extensions for built-in web types.
Provides a default starting point for setting up a new WebApi service which includes Its.Configuration and Its.Log with a set of classes that preconfigure numerous defaults.
Useful extensions/tools/utils I keep using all over the place. Hit me up (@bscheiman) if you need help.
A scaffold for building an application with Zurb for Applications and .Net that includes OWIN Token based authentication.
Owin Globalization Module. It substitutes the classcical Globalization module. Supported cultures specification. Best match with all suppported cultures. Culture stored in url and/or cookie. If no culture is found in cookie or Url a best match between supported cultures and the cultures spe...
M# framework Mvc components.
BrickPile is a lightweight CMS built on RavenDB and ASP.NET MVC 5
HOST per Asp Identity
Identity for OIDC based on Skoruba IdentityServer4 Admin custom impl
ErrLog.IO is an exception and error logging tool