Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft Orleans Providers
Total dependencies: 59
Microsoft Orleans library for hosting a silo in a testing project.
Microsoft Orleans clustering provider backed by Azure Table Storage
Microsoft Orleans reminders provider backed by ADO.NET
Microsoft Orleans persistence providers backed by ADO.NET
Collection of Microsoft Orleans libraries and files needed on the client.
Collection of Microsoft Orleans libraries and files needed on the server.
A MongoDb implementation of the Orleans Providers. This includes custering (IMembershipTable and IGatewayListProvider), reminders (IReminderTable) and storage providers (IGrainStorage).
Microsoft Orleans clustering provider backed by ADO.NET
Squidex Caching Helpers
Microsoft Orleans Persistence provider for Aerospike
Microsoft Orleans Cluster provider for Aerospike
Orleans backplane for SignalR Core.
Microsoft Orleans persistence providers backed by Azure Storage
Microsoft Orleans streaming provider backed by Azure Queue Storage
Orleans Silo Host .NET Core 2.2 Project Template
Microsoft Orleans reminders provider backed by Azure Table Storage
Microsoft Orleans clustering provider backed by AWS DynamoDB
Microsoft Orleans. streaming provider for Azure EventHubs
Infrastructure used for hosting Orleans Microdot services, part of the Microdot framework.
Microsoft Orleans persistence providers backed by AWS DynamoDB