Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.OpenApi.Readers

Total dependencies: 20

Atc.OpenApi is a collection of classes and extension methods for Microsoft.OpenApi.
An OpenApi (swagger) parser to generate MappingModel or mapping.json file.
Atc.Rest.ApiGenerator is a WebApi C# code generator using a OpenApi 3.0.x specification YAML file.
Core components for Swagger/OpenAPI-driven integration testing APIs built on ASP.NET Core
OpenApi Module for KY-Generator Download KY.Generator to use this module
QAToolKit Swagger library, that parses Swagger files and produces a common list of HTTP requests.
Menes is a framework for hosting Web APIs with OpenAPI-based service definitions. This library defines the common abstractions used throughout Menes.
Code generator
Package Description
This is a .NET SDK for the COVID-19 API, as published by Public Health England on Coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK dashboard.
This program will generate ASP.NET Core WebAPI blockly blocks. And from other swagger files. Can be usefull for just making a demo, interacting or others. Please see for details
Package Description
Library that translates Visual Studio C# Annotations into .NET objects representing OpenAPI specification.
Service Repository Agent using Swagger to provide the Api Description. See details
Models for Service Repository
Convert RAML file to Open API Specification
Nuget provides swagger support for your ocelot project. Swagger automaticaly generates from your reroute rules
This package helps creating JSON-schemas from a type and gives the user the capability of adding a OpenAPI-specification to this schema in order to add validation rules based on the OpenAPI-specification. With this package you only have to create a full OpenAPI-specification which then lets you crea...
A library for accessing EVE online related API's following the Swagger specification
Development tools for OpenAPI Specification