Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms

Total dependencies: 427

Provides the System.IO.DriveInfo class, which enables developers to query local drive information. Commonly Used Types: System.IO.DriveInfo System.IO.DriveType System.IO.DriveNotFoundException When using NuGet 3.x this package requires at least version 3.4.
Validators for data types that are not available in c# apis
Windows.Forms per FatturaElettronica.NET
Common .NET Standard code for use in unit tests and benchmarking.
Adds OpenTracing instrumentation for .NET Core apps that use the `Microsoft.Extensions.*` stack. Instrumented components: HttpClient calls, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core and any other library that uses DiagnosticSource events.
NUnit console and Visual Studio runner for .NET Core and .NET 4.5.1+
Star Wars Combine Discord Bot
A Xamarin wrapper binding for Azure Storage APIs - Blob, Queue, Table
Some helpers to improve readabillity of your code
Provides managed equivalents of Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) UI types from Windows Runtime. Commonly Used Types: Windows.UI.Xaml.CornerRadius Windows.UI.Xaml.Duration Windows.UI.Xaml.DurationType Windows.UI.Xaml.GridLength Windows.UI.Xaml.GridUnitType Windows.UI.Xaml.Thickness Wind...
A MovieStarPlanet-Client and Library to create own Tools.
Socket PCL Xamarin Cross platform for iOS, Windows 10 (UWP) and Android
A fast, easy to use and lightweight IOC container
Base framework for Virteom iOS apps
Base Bluetooth capabilities for Android apps
Create excel export as memory stream or physical file.
Core Framework Library