Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.NETCore.Platforms

Total dependencies: 427

ExmoApi is .NET implementation of Exmo API ( or
Uses Rx v2.5.5
The official sdk from Premind
Some useful extensions on system types.
A library to serialize C# object in XML.
Zipper is a .NET Core tool to zip a folder, typically for use after dotnet publish.
A Sample dotnet global tool for building ASCII art
This library contains lifecycle patterns for navigation and state management for applications
NWebDav.Server.AspNetCore is a flexible WebDAV server library that can be used to expose files or other data using WebDAV hosted via .NET core.
This library contains a Guid Generator, a change tracking model, a tracking message model, some extension methods, and a helper class used for progress reporting during async operations.
LooUQ iotQi framework device client for classic .NET platforms
Xamarin FileStorage Android provider
Xamarin FileStorage iOS provider
LightInject IOC packge for the Caliburn.Micro MVVM framework
HTTP Server with authentification and static files processing support
A converter from NUnit v3 TestResult.xml to NUnit v2.
DotNetTestNSpec is a NSpec runner for .NET Core command line interface and Visual Studio IDE. It runs NSpec tests in .NET Core projects targeting both .NET Core and .NET Framework, both from console - taking advantage of `dotnet test` command line interface - as well as from Visual Studio Test Expl...
[codingfreaks] base utility library