Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.ML

Total dependencies: 62

ML.NET component for LightGBM
ML.NET component for FastTree
Data transformation and Anaytics library - Machine Learning Functions
Catalyst is a Natural Language Processing library built from scratch for speed. Inspired by spaCy's design, it brings pre-trained models, out-of-the box support for training word and document embeddings, and flexible entity recognition models. You can install language-specific models with the model ...
The Collection of the Machine Learning related functionality for AspNetCore or GenericHost.
MLOps.NET is a data science tool to track and manage the lifecycle of a ML.NET machine learning model.
Nbox Trainer is library-wrapper for easy creating trainer ml models of image classification with GPU acceleration. Used ML.Net and Tensorflow
An integration package for ML.NET models on scalable web apps and services.
ML.NET component for Image support
Microsoft.ML.TensorFlow contains ML.NET integration of TensorFlow.
ML.NET AutoML: Optimizes an ML pipeline for your dataset, by automatically locating the best feature engineering, model, and hyperparameters
Daany.DataFrame.Ext - A set of extensions for Daany.DataFrame.
ML.NET component for Microsoft.ML.OnnxRuntime.Managed library
Fast and efficient file parsing and stream manipulation for data-oriented programming.
ML.NET additional learners making use of Intel Mkl.
LIBMF, the core computation library for matrix factorization in ML.NET
Microsoft.ML.TimeSeries contains ML.NET Time Series prediction algorithms. Uses Intel Mkl.
ML.NET component for exporting ONNX Models
ML.NET component for Ensembles