Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConnect

Total dependencies: 116

Package Description
a server core for iS3 server dev
Provides capabilities to easily authorization Web APIs running in Azure.
Package Description
Package Description
Implementación de auth de trifenix connect para azure active directory
Access token validation middleware for JWT and reference tokens issued by IdentityServer3, based on JWT 5, Owin 4 and IdentityModel 3. Does not support BackchannelHttpHandler/BackchannelCertificateValidator/IntrospectionHttpHandler
Improves the Azure Functions HTTP Trigger experience by extending the infrastructure around it, allowing to define request parameters in the function signature and implementing boilerplate like exception filters and adds different authentication schemes.
Authentication provider for ReadyConnect which is an OpenIdConnect extension with mobile support. For more detailed information visit
.Net Standard MinistryPlatform Wrapper. This package allows easy access to all REST API functions and handles OAUTH tokens and sessions.
AFL for Umbraco
core token validation and configuration for azure ad b2c
A lightweight ORM alternative that supports bulk inserts, bulk updates, and Sprocs for .NET Core
Architecture and Code Reuse Library for Prodjex
Package to generate access tokens to use against Altinn Platform. Can be used by applications and other components that need to access.
ASP.NET Core common types used by the Role-based access control authentication middleware components.
.NET port of the Universal Language Intelligence Service JavaScript library
Message routing component for chatbots built with Microsoft Bot Framework C# SDK