Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft Authentication Library for .NET

Total dependencies: 134

Architecture and Code Reuse Library for Prodjex
A library containing utilities for building extractors in .Net
This is simple, light package created using Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to access REST API using OAuth2 and OpenID Connect authentication.
Mail Service Using Microsoft Graph and Microsoft Account and MVC Core 6.0 View Features
Provides a base class that helps creating and configuring typed HTTP Client classes that handles all authenticated machine-to-machine communication to a specific Web API.
An Azure AD B2C library for core
Supports the DeviceDrive SDKs for iOS/Android in Xamarin
.NetStandard library for accessing easily Azure AD/B2C secured API's via Oauth2 and getting information via the Graph Api
Use this library to get Graph related data in a way ready to be used elsewhere, in different Betabit projects.
Batteries included Rest Client for Xamarin
SDK allowing to retrieve data from the Application Insights API
au2rides authentication and authorization library for xamarin
These are the common classes used by all Theta Rex products.
Package Description
Provides extensions to the AzureMobileClient.Helpers library for working with Azure Active Directory
This .NET standard library enables access to different data sources such as Microsoft Graph, OneDrive, Twitter, Microsoft Translator, and LinkedIn. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
Provides an AuthService and TokenCacheService implementation for use in Windows client-side applications.