Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Framework.OptionsModel

Total dependencies: 20

Logging extensions for the Compose framework.
Contains repositories and unit of work bas class.
Package to provide OAuth authentication using Blizzard's Battlenet API. This package is an extension for the Microsoft.Aspnet.Authentication package.
ASP.NET 5 asset management middleware
ASP.NET 5 Middleware for exception handling, exception display pages, and diagnostics information.
ASP.NET 5 middleware and abstractions for routing requests to application logic and for generating links.
ASP.NET 5 enables per-request scoping of services.
Cimpress.Messaging Class Library
[UNDER DEVELOPMENT - DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION] Midleware component with configuration file
Core messaging components for ASP.NET SignalR.
ASP.NET 5 logic to protect and unprotect data, similar to DPAPI.