Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options

Total dependencies: 2544

A Telegram bot for HTTP web cameras.
MangopayNetCoreSDK is a Microsoft .NET Core client library to work with Mangopay REST API.
RavenDB structured logging provider for .net. Store your logs in a RavenDB database and query them easily.
Package to use Message Queue
Package Description
ASP.NET Core Bootstrap 4 TagHelpers
This library provides a wrapper of a distributed cache handler around the SerivceStackRedis library that affords the implementation built-in connection pooling.
Package Description
Mostly for us in house but feel free to implement it if you want. It allows you to hide secrets in the UserSecrets folder then you can extract them using this Class Library. Compatible with .NET Core .NET Framework .NET Standard >= 2.0
Configuration store support for Balea. For more information see
Functionality for working with Slack APIs.
Asp.Net Core redis client
An ASP.NET Core middleware of Tencent LBS
Microsoft Dependency Injection extension for Cosmos i18n.
Adds OpenTracing instrumentation for .NET Core apps that use the `Microsoft.Extensions.*` stack. Instrumented components: HttpClient calls, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework Core and any other library that uses DiagnosticSource events.
微信接口类库 目前只实现了模板消息(公众号和小程序)
Redis Cache Manager For .Net Core 2.1
An HTTP Client that interfaces with EMoney PDF Cloud API.
Biblioteca para configuração de token JwtBearer.