Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options

Total dependencies: 2544

A lite MVC server library that mimmics ASPNet Core to provide familiarity to developers
This package is used to run an Angular CLI application in an ASP.NET Core project on development mode.
See more at .
OrpheusORM is a lightweight flexible ORM, that gives the developer real flexibility, on how to create schema, load/save data and configure complex constraints and relationships between models.
Provides Json Web Token issuer service
Simple framework for building powerful Telegram bots 🤖 in ASP.NET Core
Provide reusable service framework and extensions for dotnetcore and aspcore webservices
Nanophone aspnetcore application services
Equalizer middleware for aspnetcore
Condis High Availability Driver。
Use MessagePackSerializer Object to byte[]
Contains abstractions and implementations for some basic MWY features like authorization, caching, localization, dependency resolution, reflection...
The servie that allow to send email notification from config file or predefined templates.
Classes that provide a common interface for sending email with smtp or popular email apis including SendGrid, Mailgun, and ElasticEmail
Deploys the NCache Session Storage Services in an ASP.NET Core web application for .NET Framework and .NET Core. The services include complete session management module to replace the default ASP.NET Core session management with additional NCache exclusive features such as session locking that follo...
This package is used to host an Angular CLI application in an ASP.NET Core 2 project. It is part of the Angular CLI Templates that you can find in the Visual Studio Marketplace.