Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options

Total dependencies: 2544

Provides ability to create exception handler with strongly-typed settings and conventions using dependency injection.
Extension for Wolfringo library, providing support for ASP.NET Core and other .NET Core Hosting scenarios.
IRC bot framework for GravyIrc
Flexerant.MongoMigration is a .NET utility for migrating MongoDB databases and schemas, based on the MongoDB .NET driver. Unlike other migration implementations, this library only offers forward-only migrations: the rationale being that all database changes should be auditable and forward-only migra...
SAP NetWeaver RFC Library imlementation for .Net
Provides utilites and extensions for Quartz and Autofac.
Provides utilites and extensions for Quartz.
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The virtual file system embeds (js, css, html, cshtml) and other files into the dll, so that it can be used like a physical file during operation
This is an add-on to BoltOn NuGet package to support CosmosDb
Common classes for devon4net
NetModular utils
Permissions checker component
Provides the infrastructure for the Kephas Framework integration with ASP.NET Core applications. Typically used areas and classes/interfaces/services: - StartupBase, IAspNetAppContext. - Hosting: IHostConfigurator, IStartupFilterService. Kephas Framew...
This library extends the functionality of Papst.EventStore.Abstractions with the integration of a Azure Cosmos DB
Testing package for common features used throughout the projects.
Cosmos Db package for common features used throughout the projects.
Infrastructure for worker process interaction built on top of CosmosDb