Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options

Total dependencies: 2544

A simple .net core database connection provider. Using DbProviderFactory.
Package Description
Package Description
Flight is an easy to use framework for applying SQL to a database deterministically. You create a migration plan and Flight will take care of the rest.
Métodos de conexión a Cosmos DB Requiere de 2 variables: - CosmosDBCS - DatabaseId
Package Description
Ldap warpper
Package Description
Default Implementation of TGIT.ACME.Protocol.Abstractions
Package Description
Extends Autofac with the ability to register mocked or null-patterned ASP.NET Core Options. This package is for Autofac version 4. For an identical API on Autofac version 5, see `FGS.Tests.Support.Autofac.Mocking.Options`.
Provides the ability to configure Autofac with behavior that will dynamically intercept concrete classes marked with `RetryOnFaultAttribute` such that failed operations will be retried with a configurable exponential back-off. This package is for Autofac version 4. For an identical API ...