Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Options.ConfigurationExtensions

Total dependencies: 1695

nacos csharp sdk
.NET Client Library for PolicyServer Management API
Collection of extensions for Microsoft Extensions DI.
Rest API Server Library
Microsoft Orleans clustering provider backed by Redis
MVC Controllers for cloudscribe.SimpleContent.Web
Package Description
Plugin Manager Shopping cart plugin for managing users checkout experience
A light-weight RPC wrap of google gRPC framework.
This is the core ArgentSea library, used by platform-specific implementations like ArgentSea.Sql (Microsoft SQL Server) and ArgentSea.Pg (PostgreSQL).
ASP.NET Core library with IWebHostBuilder Single Tenant and Multitenant Autofac Extensions
Dotnet Rest Interfaces for with dotnet core depedency injection extensions
Extensions that enhance HttpClient and Http Logging
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using NCache Enterprise. This implementation of IDistributedCache can also be used for caching ASP.NET Core response.
This contains a custom ASP.NET Core session state middleware using NCache Enterprise.
A .NET Core Host friendly Slack API client for the Slack HTTP API
This contains a custom ASP.NET Core session state middleware using NCache OpenSource.
Distributed cache implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed.IDistributedCache using NCache Professional. This implementation of IDistributedCache can also be used for caching ASP.NET Core response.
This contains a custom ASP.NET Core session state middleware using NCache Professional.