Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging

Total dependencies: 2816

Sitko.Core is a set of libraries to help build .NET Core applications fast
Contains all assemblies required to use the Kentico Xperience API in class libraries developed for ASP.NET MVC 5 applications. Does not include content items or other modifications intended for the MVC web application itself.
Stars is a set of services for working with Spatio Temporal Catalog such as STAC but not only
This package allows you to host Quartzmin within your own process.
Common Utility Library
DO NOT USE. Instead simply use the JSNLog package.
Package Description
Support for security communication using TLS in Microsoft Orleans.
Easify base library for AspNetCore
Package which adds XUnitLogger to be able to write output via Microsoft.Extensions.Logger to you test output.
GraphQL ASP.NET is a fully functional GraphQL library that utilizes a controller/action programming model similar to ASP.NET.
.NET Core logging library built for Google Cloud Logging.
This is a powerful, yet simple, URL path pattern parser and matcher
Package Description
Logging provider base for .NET's logging API.
Tools for other Dreamry project.
Library for running incremental, Git-based builds and tests in .NET and .NET Core.