Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Debug

Total dependencies: 447

Installation Qualification
Resilience Library for Micro Services running in containers like Kubernetes.
FhirStarter is a lightweight FHIR server framwork where the bare minimum of functionaliy gets your FHIR server up and running. The framework lets you create a FHIR service which can be based on several input sources and is joined a single output. The Instigator library has the necessary components ...
Rebuld of (Novell.Directory.Ldap.NETStandard) for net standard 1.3 with signing Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.* packages Assemly has strong key and can be placed in GAC .NET Standard 1.3 LDAP signed client library. Works with any LDAP server (including Microsoft Active Directory - AD)
Fork of the FirebirdClient - ADO.NET Data Provider from FirebirdSql. This version is built agains .NETSTANDARD 2.0. Original client:
ZYNetClient for .NETCORE
Helpers for dotnet core console. Startup for console
Wheel provides a standardized way to use basic infrastructure services (logging, configuration, dependency injection, command system, database access, etc) on .NET console and web applications. It is compatible with .NET core >= 2.0. and .NET classic framework (including the obsolete .NET framework ...
Cadmus API services
Package Description
Useful .NET cross-platform for projects
DShop Common
HuaweiCloud .net SDK
Package Description
Cadmus API controllers.
Package Description