Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 3471

Symon.AspNetCore.Mvc.ExceptionHandler is an extensions to handle exception.
Fileprovider for app.UseStaticFiles with support for in memory caching.
Abstractions used by the Ofl.Extensions.Logging.Observable project.
Didn't exactly test this package yet... works standalone though.
GenericMvc is group of classes for speeding Asp.Net Core development
Jwt.Token.Authorization.Server is an extensions to provide JWT Token Authorizatin Server.
A simple, fast and flexible data access library based on the Command pattern.
Multi-tenancy support for ASP.NET Core.
Multi-tenancy support for ASP.NET Core using StructureMap.
A Middleware for Health checks
Sms helper for Twilio REST API
Lightweight library to implement CQRS principle with .NET Core applications.
Service Library for IndieGamesLab server components
Extension methods for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
Ferramenta para criação de log com Microsoft.Extensions.Logging Tool for logging with Microsoft.Extensions.Logging HH:MM:SS | EXCEPTION | VERSION | CLASS NAME AND METHOD | ERROR MENSSAGE