Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 3471

Provides infrastrucure components for Sharp Architecture application.
Specific graphql client library for the needs of the shopozor serverless functions.
The MBW.HassMQTT packages will help in creating .NET applications that integrate with Home Assistant using its MQTT transport. This package contains core services such as value managers and senders
Phoesion Glow SDK Abstractions
The automatic cache generation library for .NET Core
WinFormsMVP.NET is a simple Model View Presenter framework for the WinForms platform.
ALog is a tool to help the programmer output log statements to a variety of output targets. In case of problems with an application, it is helpful to enable logging so that the problem can be located.
The Azure Function Acceptance Tests Helpers to run remote, in-memory tests
Tatum C# SDK
MultiNote is notification library utilizing multiple messaging channels like email, Slack webhooks etc. For details, please refer the project README file on GitHub.
A .NET 8.0 BlobStorage Repository based on Microsoft samples
最简洁最易于使用的微信Sdk,包括公众号Sdk、小程序Sdk、企业微信Sdk等,以及Abp VNext集成。 开源库地址: 博客地址: 公众号:麦扣聊技术 交流QQ群:85318032
Ridge is a source generator that creates strongly typed HTTP clients for integration tests. HTTP clients generated by Ridge require WebApplicationFactory. The use of `WebApplicationFactory` allows Ridge to access internal components of ASP.NET and analyze them. Th...
Processing single or batch messages
Shared classes and utilities.
Package Description
dotnet wechaty
dotnet wechaty
Provides tunnelling classes and protocols shared between VpnHood.Client and VpnHood.Server.