Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions

Total dependencies: 3471

Provide api proxy for RabbitMQ, NetRpc.
Framework to receive messages like Sms and Emails in integration tests.
Framework to receive messages like Sms and Emails in integration tests.
Feature Toogles Library for .NET .For more information see
TheIdServer administration HTTP stores.
Componente com abstrações da infraestrutura, parte da arquitetura de software E5R Development Team
Dangl.Data.Shared -
ASP.NET Core common types used by the various authentication components.
Real-time communication framework for ASP.NET Core.
ASP.NET Core basic middleware for rewriting URLs. Includes: * Support for custom URL rewrite rules * Support for running IIS URL Rewrite module rules * Support for running Apache mod_rewrite rules.
ASP.NET Core web socket middleware for use on top of opaque servers.
Reactive ETL is a rewrite of Rhino ETL using the reactive extensions for .Net.
Contains various WPF controls.
The purpose of the EventStore is to represent a series of events as a stream. NEventStore is a persistence agnostic event sourcing library for .NET. The primary use is most often associated with CQRS.
A MetaWeblog API implementation for ASP.NET Core.
CORS middleware and policy for ASP.NET Core to enable cross-origin resource sharing. Commonly used types: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors.DisableCorsAttribute Microsoft.AspNetCore.Cors.EnableCorsAttribute
ASP.NET Core static files middleware. Includes middleware for serving static files, directory browsing, and default files.
ASP.NET Core middleware for routing requests to application logic and for generating links. Commonly used types: Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.Route Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing.RouteCollection
ASP.NET Core basic middleware for supporting HTTP method overrides. Includes: * X-Forwarded-* headers to forward headers from a proxy. * HTTP method override header.
ASP.NET Core middleware for automatically applying culture information to HTTP requests. Culture information can be specified in the HTTP header, query string, cookie, or custom source.