Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Http

Total dependencies: 1306

This package contains C# wrappers for the Runescape REST APIs.
华为云OBS驱动 2020-08-04 去掉OBS每次调用都去查询API接口版本的问题,提高性能 2020-08-25 修复OBS Content-Disposition设置为中文后,文件上传报错的bug 修复Content-Type被url编码,导致文件内容呈现出现错误的bug 2020-12-10 修正创建对象时metadata里面设置了Content-Type+Cotent-Length导致获取对象时报错的bug
Twilio abstractions and helpers
.NET client library for using productboards's Public API.
Coaster Proxy Service utlizing durable rest. Methods * CreateAsync * PublishAsync * UpdateAsync * LogAsync * UserAuthorizedAsync * FetchCoastersAsync * FetchCoasterByIdAsync * FetchCoasterByTokenAsync * DeleteCoasterAsync Features ...
Administration Proxy Service utlizing durable rest. Methods * AdminAuthorizedAsync * LogAsync * TelemetryQueryAsync Features * Polciy based retrys and timeouts. * Logs for all successful and exceptional runs * Telemetry for all calls
Account Proxy Service utlizing durable rest. Methods * CreateUserAccountAsync * CreateAdminAccountAsync * LoginAsync * LogAsync * UserAuthorizedAsync * AdminAuthorizedAsync * RefreshTokensAsync * UpdateEmailPreferenceAsync * UpdateEmailPre...
Simple library for interaction with UnitPay API.
A Slide Verification Module 拼图校验模块,用于生成校验拼图及验证,支持redis,支持分布式部署。修复window和linux目录分隔符不同的问题,以适应linux部署。
Package Description
==v1.0.1.6 FormUrlEncodedContent 导致 RUL 太长问题优化。 ==v1.0.1.5 删除多余的异常捕捉代码。 ==v1.0.1.4 http 状态码不是 200 的请求,返回状态码与原因。 ==v1.0.1.3 状态码不是成功(200~299)的情况下,返回状态码与可能的错误信息。 ==v1.0.1.2 增加 HttpClient 多SSL证书配置 ==v1.0.1.1 函数优化兼容 FrameWork 4.6.1 ==v1.0.0.7 新增扩展用于增加请求头参数。 ==v1.0.0.6 新增扩展用于获取响应头信息。 ==v1.0.0.5 项目更改为跨平台库。...
优化代码,新增缓存 -----------------------------------------绿萼权限中间件
C# client library to access Rent Dynamics APIs
Includes generic and non generic extension methods: 1- dependency injection 2- Post Helper methods 3- Authentication for dummies like me
Project that contains the classes and interfaces used in registering factories, repostiroies, queries and cmmands.
Delivers easy to consume graph client via dependecy injection
A C# snowflake implementation for getting snowflakes from my (not yet public) server built with Rust.
F# API for the CloudLayer service