Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Http

Total dependencies: 1306

Cloudburst Microservice Toolkit: Consul provider for Cloudburst Services
Project errors monitoring in real time
Library to retrieve information about COVID-19 from
IoC container registration that uses the Microsoft.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection for .NET Core applications.
Refit and Consul RefitConsul扩展了Refit组件的Consul服务发现功能,能更加便捷调用Restful服务。 consul服务发现实现了随机轮询策略与缓存。
Package Description
Plus.Core 是一个基于 .NET Standard 的 C# 开发库,集成各种优秀框架到一个包内,方便开发使用。
This extension adds bindings for Dapr
REST Client for NetSuite REST API and RESTlets
AsyncApi code-first document ui-view
A netstandard2.0 library that consumes the new Instagram Basic Display API. Also includes a Razor Pages Web example that shows how to use the library and a Static site example that shows how to consume the new Instagram Basic Display API with just vanilla JavaScript.
kavenegarPlus is one of best libraries for calling Kavenegar APIs built for performance, testability and reliability. kavenegarPlus supports netstandard2.0 (compatible with .NET Core and .NET Framework)
.NET Core 3.1 ile geliştirilmiş Akbank, İş Bankası, HalkBank, Ziraat Bankası, Türk Ekonomi Bankası(TEB), INGBank, Türkiye Finans, AnadoluBank, HSBC, Deniz Bank, QNB Finansbank, Garanti Bankası, Kuveyt Türk, Yapı Kredi ve Vakıfbank Sanal Entegrasyonları
This package wraps the Analytics Reporting API making it easier to use.
A application daemon for writing automations for the free open source home automations software Home Assisstant written in .net 5. This is the NetDaemon core capabilities.
Network relatived classes and types. HttpClient extensions. Basic Soap support. Base classes and types for Http server abstraction.
Connect to the Runly API using strongly-typed classes.
A sender for Apple Push Notification(APN) and Firebase Cloud Message(FCM)
Simple REST Client with OpenID Connect Client Credential Security