Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting

Total dependencies: 728

provides a System.Diagnostics listener that sends Common.Diagnostics telemetry to Serilog
.NET Core tools for building agent services
Plugins available for the Core framework
Support libraries for using RabbitMQ as Publisher / Subscriber for .Net Core
Allows to use Castle Windsor as a container using IServiceProvider
Json Localizer library for .NetStandard and .NetCore projects
Package for adding Spring Cloud Config Server configuration provider to ASP.NET Core applications
Package providing extension methods to assist in the Startup of a dotnet6 app.
Extension to Albelli.Lambda.Templates.Core to better support AWS Lambda functions that respond to SNS messages.
Extension to Albelli.Templates.Amazon.Core to better support AWS Lambda functions that respond to SQS messages.
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
provides System.Diagnostics listeners that send Common.Diagnostics telemetry to the Windows Event Log and to WPF text controls
Base package for using Steeltoe Service Discovery
This package contains the runtime assemblies for Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host. It also adds rich diagnostics capabilities which makes it easier to monitor the WebJobs in the dashboard. For more information, please visit
Steeltoe library for enabling dynamic management of Serilog.
Robokassa payment implementation (with Robocheki)
Hosting Extensions of MagicOnion.
The collection of the IHost related functionality used with GenericHost.
NetModular host for Generic
OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 Testing-Framework for ASP.NET Core and IdentityServer4