Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.Abstractions
Total dependencies: 999
Siel is a high performance timer framework
Tools for logging based on Serilog.
A library for core that allows you to send emails without having memory leaks
KmopoFramework logging with serilog for GenericHost
Quantic framework masstransit rabbitmq extension
Kf.Extensions.Microsoft.Hosting are helper classes, structures and extension methods used often in KodeFoxx projects.
Integration of Ngrok with the AspNetCore pipeline. Tools to automatically create ngrok tunnels on application startup
Framework to simplify writing telegram bots
Simple http stub server for unit test.
Event store subscribers host
NWrath.Logging integration for ASP.NET Core 2+
Scheduler Quartz.NET for .NET Standard 2.0 - ServiceProdiver job factory
ASP Core extensions for using CQELight with ease.
This library contains some of utility tools that is to help for boost up the generic host with gRPC protocol.
This template is for a standard server (microservice) using gRPC protocol.
This template is for a standard server (microservice) using gRPC protocol with MongoDb.
This template is for a standard server (microservice) using gRPC protocol with EfCore.
A library for creating Behavioral-Driven (Given-When-Then) tests for MicroServices built with the Kingo.MicroServices package.
This template is for a standard server (microservice) using gRPC protocol with MongoDb.
This template is for a standard server (microservice) using gRPC protocol with EfCore.