Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders.Physical

Total dependencies: 250

Zero is a general purpose DDD framework specially designed for new modern web applications.
surging is a distributed micro service framework that provides high-performance RPC remote service calls, using Zookeeper, Consul as the registration center for surging services, integrating hash, random, polling as a load balancing algorithm, RPC integration using the netty framework, Using asynchr...
Dependency Injection Prototype core mvc 扩展
Library that contains runner class to start generic host and Xamarin.Froms application
Package Description
Package Description
Additional file providers and support for working with physical files and directories.
Package Description
Package Description
Based Librame.Extensions.Storage.Abstractions on .NET Standard extension implementation.
Collection of assembly providers and assembly load helpers. Commonly used types: XploRe.Runtime.Loader.IAssemblyProvider XploRe.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyNameCollectionAssemblyProvider XploRe.Runtime.Loader.FileAssemblyProvider
Package Description
WriteablePhysicalFileProvider implementation if IWriteableFileProvider. WriteableFileProviders is a project aimed to provide writeable access to different file providers while also being usable as a standard ASP.NET Core IFileProvider.
ASP.NET Core 2.1 Framework for rapidly constructing web applications
Blowdart UI is a C# library for creating user interfaces.
An Unobtrusive Multitenancy helper for (new or existing) Asp.Net Core project The goal of this project is to add the multitenancy functionality to an ASP.NET Core application (existing or new) without modification (or very little) of code. It's support multitenant DI ,sandbox services, etc...