Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyModel

Total dependencies: 664

Ketchup 是一个微服务框架,基于dotnet core 3.1,集成注册中心,消息队列,分布式缓存,网关,服务治理于一体的微服务框架
Package Description
ef and dapper repository.
Supports the creation of Domain-Specific Languages for test automation. Variables and Data Management for testing
.NET library to ease development of console applications.
Package Description
Sop.Core API 常用核心,请使用 最新的dll
Development framework for .NET Standard, include IoC, DataAccess, Microservices, etc.
Package Description
This library makes it easy that allows you to split Startup or Shutdown steps to many difference packages into your application. It is useful to keep code clean and single-responsibility principle for every package in your solution. Instead of assembly the startup or shutdown codes into ...
Lightweight library to implement CQRS principle with .NET Core applications.
Database Layer for
Botwin is a library that allows Nancy-esque routing for use with ASP.Net Core.
A converter from NUnit v3 TestResult.xml to NUnit v2.
Interfaces and utilities for developing Crosser modules
A dotnetcore version of the http-stub, allows setting up of a stub server