Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions
Total dependencies: 4746
.Net library for testing, cleaning, researching and inferring links between personal data used in genealogy.
Authorization integration for SFA.DAS
MassTransit configuration extensions for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting.IHostedService and RabbitMQ
Fork: added access to IRabbitMqReceiveEndpointConfigurator from all extensions and update dependencies
Extensions for .NET Core Dependency Injection.
ServiceCollection extensions: AddImplementations.
Scheduler Quartz.NET for .NET Standard 2.0 - Autofac job factory and module
Compact, simple and powerful asynchronous .net standard library for events bus (also know as subscribe/publish events pattern)
Contains bundling services and helpers.
Contains action handlers implementation of standard CRUD actions for MVC controllers.
Fast Relational DB scalable caching. Multiple DB loaders.
Fast Relational DB scalable caching. Multiple DB loaders.
Contains models and services that can be used to handle uploaded images.
Contains models and services that can be used to handle uploaded files.
Provides an output implementation that sends diagnostics data to a Splunk HTTP Event Collector.
The MySQL database default for NetCoreKit.Infrastructure.Mongo
.NET Core ultra lightweight event bus implementation
Contains base classes used in MVVM applications.
web-cli support for ASP.NET Core applications