Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions
Total dependencies: 4746
CHIMP boot/script providers
CHIMP software validators
CHIMP software metadata providers
CHIMP XML EXIF platform metadata provider
Condis High Availability Driver。
.NET Core plugins framework
IdentityServer3 Access Token Validation Integration Library for ASP.NET 5
Provides Json Web Token issuer service
Enables multitenancy for Asp.Net Core applications
CHIMP camera model detectors
CHIMP platform metadata providers
CHIMP PS camera metadata providers
Annotation for the 'Stardust.Paradox.Data' Entityframework styled tool for accessing gremlin based graph databases like CosmosDB and Apache Tinkerpop.
Added EpochDateTime type
Dynamic Authorization Policy Services for ASP.NET Core
Package Description
Workflow Core is a light weight workflow engine targeting .NET Standard.
Otc.DomainBase.Exceptions.CoreException handling logic.
The Redakt Framework is a modern framework for developing enterprise .NET Core applications. The framework is primarily used for Redakt, a modern .NET Core Content Management System.